The National Building Code is the Philippine's main code for regulating all constructions, including residential and commercial buildings. There are some important features in the National Building Code of the Philippines that you should know: - The use of steel reinforced concrete is allowed in building construction when needed. - Wood floors and stairs must be fire retardant treated wood or plywood. - Tiled roofs and walls in two storey residential buildings shall have a slope not steeper than one unit vertical to 12 units horizontal (8:12). Tiled roof slopes shall be not less than 45 degrees from horizontal, while tiled wall height shall not exceed 3 metres. The Government of the Philippines has released the P.D. 1096 or National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) which has become the implementing law for all building construction projects in the Philippines. The Building Code is important because it establishes standards for buildings to make sure that they are safe, aesthetically pleasing and long-lived. The National Building Code gives detailed criteria on design, materials used and structural properties for buildings and other structures like simple dwellings, which are mostly made up of light materials like bamboo, nipa or cogon grass with a roof made of coconut lumber or nipa palm leaves. The NBCP is the legal basis for the rules and regulations for all private, public, local government and other construction-related projects that are being implemented in the Philippines. The Building Code aims to promote national economic growth through sustainable physical development. It also aims to cater to the needs of people who are socially disadvantaged so that they can have affordable housing for their families. National Building Code of the Philippines. Retrieved from ph/dcp/cda/doctrine%20and%20policies/national%20building%20code.pdf. The Design Criteria Manual for the Building Code of the Philippines. Retrieved from Turner Construction Company (TCC). (2013). National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) P.D. 1096, Chapter 1 - Title Page to Section 1-10. Retrieved from National Building Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No 9285 (as amended), November 10, 2004 | Department of Public Works and Highways | LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICE Department Order No.
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